NOW is Your Time
I’ve been asked, “What was the rock bottom moment you had that turned your life around in order to lose 100 lbs?”
I remember getting in the car and my stomach hitting the steering wheel — and I wasn’t pregnant.
I remember my daughter Kiersten (a toddler at the time) asking why I was eating ice cream for breakfast and she wasn’t allowed.
I lived with day to day fear I would pass along my eating issues to my own children.
The truth is I didn’t have one rock bottom moment. Life was a series of rock bottom moments during those years.
If you are struggle with eating issues or face the challenge of making exercise a part of your everyday life, I’m sure you can relate.
The road out of those days was not an easy one (read more about my story here) and believe me, I was the biggest skeptic around. I had tried the diets. I had done the Weight Watchers thing and the New Year’s resolutions. I needed a different type of change.
I created the Faithful Finish Lines program based on the principles of what changed my life. Faithful Finish Lines is an online, 7-week Christian healthy eating and physical activity program for women.
Click here for more information about how to join the next Faithful Finish Lines session. Registration only opens 2 times per year, so NOW is the time!
Perhaps you’ve been looking at the Faithful Finish Lines program and thinking, “That’s great, but it’s just another diet and exercise plan that I will try and fail.”
No, Faithful Finish Lines is not that.
This is why we aren’t.
I’ve sat where you sat. I get you. I was 100 lbs heavier than I am now. I was sick and miserable and I hated body.
The difference is this program is built on compassion and grace. I know it seems impossible that you could learn to love yourself and see yourself the way God sees you, but we will teach you that it is possible. Others have done it before you, and you can do it too.
There is HOPE.
Maybe you do well with your eating habits but are ready to step up your fitness goals. We are ready to meet you there, too. Maybe you do well with exercise but your eating habits need a clean up. We will help you with that, providing information and loving accountability.
Please come join us. This price includes LIFETIME ongoing membership at no additional cost to you.
We’ve purposely kept the price of this program reasonable so that it is within your reach. Many similar programs are double or triple the cost of what we provide.
Please do this for yourself. Click here to register.

Faithful Finish Lines: Online Fitness Program for Women
Faithful Finish Lines
7-week Christian women’s healthy eating and physical activity program
Real Fitness. Healthy Eating. New You.
January 9-February 26, 2017
Registration now open. Click here for more information.
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