Do you long to connect with God throughout your day? If so, this post gives you new and creative ways to pray during a busy day.

My desire is to give my joys, struggles, and worries over to God and look to him for direction about each decision I make. Yet the reality is often much different.
My day starts early with workouts and checking email. Throughout the day, I’m busy running from work projects to kids’ activities to ministry. It’s not unusual to fall weary into bed, and realize I haven’t connected with God at all during my busy day.
Of course the ideal is to spend deep, meaningful time with God.
I’ve been using the book Getting to Know Jesus, which has been great because the study can be fit between busy life demands at your own pace.
Still, apart from Bible study time, you probably want to incorporate more prayer into your everyday life. The following suggestions will help you do exactly that.
9 New & Fun Ways to Pray When You Are Busy
Here are different ways to incorporate prayer into your every day life.
1. Start your day with prayer.
I start my day with picking up my smart phone that I charge by my bed. I’ve made a commitment that the first thing I read every morning will be a short devotion that includes a Bible verse and prayer. I enjoy the devotions through the apps You Version or First 5.
Many people enjoy using Martin Luther’s morning prayer which is this:
I thank you, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.
2. Set a reminder on your phone.
This might seem overly routine, but honestly we often just need help getting back into a habit we want to accomplish. I use reminders on my phone all the time and setting one or two times during the day is a wonderful way to get into the habit of more regular prayer.
3. When you say goodbye to a loved one.
When you kiss your husband, children, or other loved ones goodbye, get into the habit of saying a prayer for their safety, protection, and that God would bless their lives.
Check out these blessings for your children: 3 Christmas Blessings for Your Children

4. During workouts.
Laugh if you will, but I get in some serious prayer time during my workouts! Sometimes it’s because the workout is so hard, but more often it’s because the rhythmic movement gets me into a place where I can let go of the stress of the day and focus on what matters.
When I’m walking or running outside in God’s creation, this is especially meaningful.
5. When you hear an ambulance.
I learned this from a dear Christian friend a long time ago and taught it to my children when they are young, too. The siren is a reminder to stop and quickly pray for the person who needs care. It gives me a spirit of gratitude, too, for the blessing of good health.
6. While doing chores.
I have 5 kids, so my laundry pile is a mountain with no beginning or end. There are almost always dishes in my sink. It’s easy to get bogged down by the never-ending tasks of life.
Yet I’ve learned to turn that around. A sink full of dishes is a chance to thank God for the food we have. Laundry shows we are well provided for and I can even pray for reach person as I fold their clothes. I love thinking about my family wearing clothes that I folded my prayers right into.
7. In the car.
I work as a Family Advocate which means I spend time in the car driving to appointments. I have come to enjoy the time for a few minutes of quiet. I put on praise music and talk to God about my current life situations.

8. Meal time.
Meals are times when we pause for a moment during our busy day and the family often gathers for the evening meal at dinner. We say a prayer of blessing before our meals and read a family devotion as often as possible.
Check out these posts for meal prayers: 7 Prayers to Say at the Dinner Table, 7 Thanksgiving Dinner Table Prayers
9. Bedtime.
There’s nothing better than ending a busy day with intentional prayer. If you fall asleep praying, that’s okay – what better way to fall asleep?
Try Martin Luther’s evening prayer:
I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have graciously kept me this day; and I pray You to forgive me all my sins where I have done wrong, and graciously keep me this night. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the wicked foe may have no power over me. Amen.
Or, say a prayer of your own as you get into bed.
By talking to God throughout your day, you will become closer to him and more in line with His desires and plans for your life.
Rather than see it as a burden, look at prayer as a privilege. You have the opportunity to come before the God who created the universe and pour out your good, bad, and everything in between. He not only hears but promises to answer.
What are some ways you pray during a busy day?
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Love, Love, Love, LOVE!! I do most of these already because prayer is breath and life for a pregnant mom of 4 (going on 5). but, beautiful new perspectives on dishes and laundry! I will never fold laundry again without folding prayers into every single piece!! Thank you.
Also, I just found your blog. I love that you are about faith and fitness. Both topics that are very dear to my heart as well. Can’t wait to read more of your work! Blessings!