This question came up in an online parenting group I occasionally read: “At what age would you allow your child to walk home 1 mile from school?” The group is private so I won’t share individual responses, but I will share the gist was answers like these:
“When they are 18.”
“You can’t be too safe in this dangerous world we live in. It’s not like it used to be.”
“God gave me these kids and it’s my job to protect them. Heaven forbid something would happen to one of my children.”
A few people wrote that they do let their children walk to school (sometimes because they have no choice), but it makes them nervous to do so.
This discussion aroused my curiosity so I researched a bit online and came to this article about a mother who was arrested for child neglect after allowing her son to walk to the park alone.
What do you think readers? Do you let your kids walk to and from school alone, or would you if you had children that age? Do you allow your kids to play alone outside? At what age would you allow it? Comment below.
Sharon VanMil Loftsgaarden says
We let our kids walk to/from school by themselves. That being said, we are 3 blocks from school. When the kids leave the house, before they are out of our eyesight, they can see the crossing guard. We are fortunate to live where we do!
Sara Borgstede says
Thanks for sharing, Sharon. I’m going to be really curious everyone’s feedback. I’ve done some more research about stats of abductions in the U.S., etc. and will be sharing in the next blog.
Sara Borgstede says
P.S. You are fortunate to live where you do, but we still miss you here!!!