I want to know Jesus. For all my life, I've known about Jesus. Baptized as a baby, my parents took me to church every Sunday. I grew up knowing about Continue Reading
Religion vs. the Gospel: What Sets Them Apart?
Is there a difference between spirituality and religion? How about religion and the gospel? In the book Getting to Know Jesus, the author shares Continue Reading
The Ten Commandments: Ten Truths That Give Life
The Ten Commandments are God's rules for how we are to live our lives. I know the Ten Commandments are important, but when I think of ways to draw Continue Reading
What Good Gifts Teach Us About God’s Love
A couple years ago I took an online marriage enrichment class and as part of the class, we took an online quiz about our 5 Love Languages. I learned Continue Reading
Who is Jesus Christ? Why You Need Him in Your Life
Who is Jesus Christ? Get answers to the questions about this central figure—his life, his teachings, and discover his relevance in your own Continue Reading
What is the Holy Spirit Doing in Your Life?
As Christians, we recognize the Triune God of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We understand God the Father as creator and loving Continue Reading
Why Do We Pray the Lord’s Prayer?
Most of us have heard or prayed the Lord's Prayer at one time or another. Why do we pray the Lord's Prayer? What is the significance for Christians Continue Reading
What is Baptism?
Baptism is a gift God gives to believers. What is baptism? In baptism, physical water and God's spoken Word work together to create or strengthen the Continue Reading
Do You Need Confession and Absolution?
Confession is when we admit to God our sins and ask for His forgiveness. Absolution is forgiveness, often with the proclamation of forgiveness spoken Continue Reading
Why Do We Celebrate the Lord’s Supper?
Since Jesus first instituted the Lord's Supper (or Communion) on the night before his death, Christians around the world have participated in the Continue Reading