I love a good challenge, especially one that encourages me to grow in my faith.
I’ve signed up for a number of Bible reading challenges, daily Bible verse posting challenges, or reading through the Bible in a year plans. Earlier this year we did the Holy, Messy Love Series, a 5 day Bible Reading and Devotion plan.
I tend to sign up for things with gusto, but then what happens?
Life gets in the way. Or more appropriately, I let life get in the way. I start off with gusto! Then I miss a day. Then it’s two days…then, where was that website again? Pretty soon I am not opening the emails at all because a niggling feeling of guilt sets in whenever I see the titles, so I just delete them.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
This Monday starts a Bible Verse Challenge I am SO EXCITED about, and I hope you will join me.
We are starting a 7-day Challenge called RADICAL BLESSINGS.
We will be digging into John 15, along with other short daily scripture passages, to see RADICAL changes and a RADICAL outpouring of God’s blessings when we abide in His love. I have daily printables and 2 adorable FREE phone wallpapers for you to download as well.
I’ve learned so much from studying this passage of the Bible, and I can’t wait to share it with you.
It’s totally possible to stick with this whole challenge and see the ultimate benefit. This is how.
3 Tips for RADICAL Growth from a Bible Verse Challenge
- Pretend you paid $1,000 to join. I run an online faith and fitness program called Faithful Finish Lines, and we always have people who say they want to join but can’t afford the cost. The truth is that the fee is as much for the person joining as it is to pay me to for my time. I recently joined Elite Blog Academy to work on growing my blog and website. The cost of this program is the biggest investment I have made in my business in quite some time. You had better believe I am doing every single assignment and watching every video! Let’s do the same with our Bible Verse Challenge. We can up our commitment. After all, what is more important than our relationship with the Creator of the universe?
- Spend 15 minutes the weekend before getting prepared. It’s astounding the difference just a bit of preparation makes. Below I’ve posted the daily themes for the Radical Blessings Bible Reading Challenge. I wrote the daily verses in my weekly planner. A post-it note on the mirror is great. Posting the picture on Facebook or Instagram is awesome, too. Whatever holds each of us most accountable is what to do. I love having the phone wallpapers on my phone (those come out on Monday) because every time I open my phone I see a reminder to Abide in God’s love.
- Pray daily, starting now. We have an enemy that wants to see us fail at this, and he is starting to tear us down right this very minute. He will throw whatever roadblocks into our path to thwart our success in this. But we have victory in Christ that is so much stronger. We must not let him win. Pray every single day that none of Satan’s schemes would overcome! Pray that God would use this Bible Reading Challenge specifically for life guidance. Pray that God would use it to His glory.
I am thrilled in the journey we are undertaking. We will indeed be blessed! I am praying for each of us. God promises that when we abide in His love through studying His word, we WILL see an outpouring of blessings. It’s not a maybe — it’s a promise of God!
What blessings have you received from God in the past from studying His Word? What are you hoping to learn in the upcoming Bible Reading Challenge? Share in the comments below.
To help in our preparing for the upcoming week, here is the information for the RADICAL BLESSINGS Bible Reading Challenge that starts May 25. Sign up here. The above information is great for any Bible Verse challenge, though!
Let’s take 15 minutes to mark these on our calendar right now, so we can be prepared for the upcoming week. These are also PDF downloads to print, or save as photos on a smartphone.
May 25: Introduction, “Don’t Do THIS to Make Life Changes”
May 26: Day 1, “Radical Abiding”, “How to Stick It Out with God”
May 27: Day 2, “Radical Salvation”, “Who Owns Your Salvation?”
May 28: Day 3, “Radical Fruits”, “Why Prayers for Patience are Dangerous”
May 29: Day 4, “Radical Abundance”, “How to Get Real with Our Faith Life”
May 30: Day 5, “Radical Joy”, “Read This When Your Stuff is Flying Every Which Way”
May 31: Day 6, “Radical Security”, “Do You Have a Holy Woobie?”
June 1: Day 7, “Radical Glory”, “How to Light Yourself on Fire”
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