Have you ever tried to get the seeds out of a pomegranate? It’s not easy. In culinary class I learned a one minute trick to remove pomegranate seeds.

Pomegranates are an absolutely gorgeous fruit with sweet and somewhat tart seeds. The seeds are the edible part. Years ago our family bought our first pomegranate, and we didn’t know how to eat it. We didn’t know you are supposed to eat the seeds (sometimes called aerials). Not a year-round fruit, they can be somewhat hard to find, but it’s worth the effort.
If you research how to remove pomegranate seeds, you will find there are many different methods out there, like picking the seeds out, soaking the fruit, and other ways.
I will warn you that this trick is messy, so be prepared, but it is by far the easiest and best way to do it.
One Minute Trick to Remove Pomegranate Seeds
Start by cutting the fruit in half.
Hold the fruit in your hand over a bowl. If you have a metal meat mallet, that is the best tool for this job. Otherwise, a heavy silver spoon works, too. I used a wooden spoon but a heavier tool would have been better.

Notice I wore gloves and laid down paper towels. Pom juice stains!

Update: A friend shared with me on my Facebook page (are you following my The Holy Mess Facebook and my The Holy Mess Instagram pages? I share so much cool stuff on each one!) this really cool video of how to PEEL a Pom to get the seeds out. Check out this amazing method, too: How to Peel a Pom video
The seeds will keep for a day or two in the fridge if you don’t eat them all. I like to eat them plain, on yogurt, or in salads.

This salad recipe is an incredible use of pomegranate:

Hi June, Never a silly question! Yes, you can eat the seeds! I never knew that either. I mean after all, most fruit you throw away the seeds. But with a pom, the seeds are the good part and the rest is what you throw away. They are a tad bit crunchy, but not overly so. You want to carefully pick away any of the rind because it’s bitter (like a thick orange rind) that might be on the seeds. My kids like to just eat them plain. I like them on salads or yogurt.
I feel silly having to ask but it sounds like your saying eat the whole Pom seed not just the juice around the seed which is what I always thought. That’s why I never tried them, I thought you had to spit the seeds out after you got the juice off. So you just crunch them up like nuts?
Love your blog!