Check out this insightful series about common weight loss myths. Separate truth from reality and reach your weight loss goals faster and easier.

In this series, we fact-check common weight loss myths to separate false beliefs from truth. Cut through what’s fake so you can reach your weight loss goals. (Scroll to the bottom for research articles on each topic.)
- 1. Weight Loss Myths: Busted! Night Eating Causes Weight Gain
- 2. Weight Loss Myths: Busted! You Need More Willpower
- 3. Weight Loss Myths: Busted! All Calories are Created Equal
- 4. Weight Loss Myths: Busted! No Exercise = No Weight Loss
- 5. Weight Loss Myths: Busted! No Soup Treats for You
- 6. (Bonus) Weight Loss Myths: Busted! Taking Medication to Lose Weight is Cheating
- Weight Loss Research, Facts, and Studies
1. Weight Loss Myths: Busted! Night Eating Causes Weight Gain
True or false: Eating at night causes weight gain.
Think about a box of crackers in your pantry and consider the nutrition label. Does it magically change to new numbers at 6:00 PM? How about at 7:00 or 8:00 PM?
Of course not.
Does your body mysteriously metabolize foods differently when the clock chimes, like Cinderella’s ball gown turned back into filthy rags?
Weight loss comes from eating fewer calories than you burn, and maintaining weight comes from achieving a calorie balance over the day, the week, and the year.
The myth that overeating at night leads to weight gain contains some kernels of truth. Our bodies indeed have a fantastic circadian rhythm built into every cell, including our digestive system.
It’s also true that most of us reach for popcorn, candy, and potato chips for our late-night snacks. I don’t know about you, but raw broccoli doesn’t sing to me from the fridge at 10:00 PM.
Day 1 Mini-Challenge
(Pick one to try tomorrow, and share about it in the comments for accountability.)
- Eat breakfast.
- Create a calming evening routine.
- Choose three healthy snacks for evenings when you are hungry, and eat treats during the day.
What do you think about this video? Share in the comments below, and then check out the Spring into Wellness Weight Loss Challenge Info.
2. Weight Loss Myths: Busted! You Need More Willpower
When I was 100 pounds heavier, I figured my problem was that I lacked willpower.
I told myself my problem was I needed to buckle up, buckle down, and get with the program. I was wrong.
I had willpower and self-control. (As a mom and foster mom, I always had 5+ little kids around me. Hello. Not tearing my hair out took tons of self-control.)
You are a strong, determined, fantastic woman. Look at all the tough stuff you’ve survived in your life.
Research tells us that willpower wears out just like muscles do. Your willpower is fine; it just gets tired.
Set yourself up for success by creating a YES environment.
Outsmart your cravings by stocking your pantry with healthy snacks & surrounding yourself with supportive friends.
Weight loss isn’t about white-knuckling your way through a sea of temptation – it’s about navigating the waters with savvy, smarts, and a healthy dose of self-compassion.
Those supportive friends we mentioned? During the Spring into Wellness Weight Loss Challenge on May 1 – 31, let’s debunk myths and share the secrets to lifelong weight management.

You and hundreds of women like you will lose 6 – 10 pounds and learn to keep it off.
Day 2 Mini-Challenge
(Pick one to try tomorrow, and share about it in the comments for accountability.)
- Buy smaller plates.
- Unfollow one or more food influencers.
- Put your junk food out of site.
Share your thoughts in the comments below.
3. Weight Loss Myths: Busted! All Calories are Created Equal
Picture this.
It’s 4:30 PM, and you’ve arrived home half-starved. With your coat still on, you head for the kitchen to grab a snack.
- Scene 1: You grab an apple. You are still hungry, so you eat a second apple. Calories = 200.
- Scene 2: You grab 3 Caramel Delight (aka Samoas) Girl Scout cookies. Calories = 200.
Which will keep you full and satisfied until dinner and into the evening?
While all calories contain the same amount of energy, not all calories are created equal regarding their impact on your body.
It’s the same 200 calories, but the calorie density is different.
Calories in vs. calories out is true at the basic level. Managing it in real life is where it gets complicated.
Day 3 Mini-Challenge
(Pick one to try tomorrow, and share about it in the comments for accountability.)
- Download the Holy Mess calorie density guide. Focus on green foods. 💚
- Start lunch and dinner tomorrow with a veggie “appetizer.” 🥗
- Add vegetables to your breakfast tomorrow. 🍠🥬
What are your thoughts about calories? Share in the comments below, and then head over to the Spring into Wellness Weight Loss Challenge Info.
4. Weight Loss Myths: Busted! No Exercise = No Weight Loss
At least once a week, an email comes to the Holy Mess inbox that says,
As much as I want to lose weight, I can’t. I have arthritis, and I can’t exercise.
-Holy Mess reader
How would you respond?
Many of us believe that exercise will fix our weight problem. (The Biggest Loser TV show showed us in real time that it was true, right?! )
Did you know that Cola-Cola funded research to push the exercise agenda? (See research link below)
The reason: if the leader in sugary soda production could get people to blame their weight problems on lack of exercise, then the food industry is off the hook.
Weight loss comes from calorie balance – eating fewer calories than you burn. Does exercise help with burning calories? Yes, but not as much as you think.
Weight loss magic happens in the kitchen, not at the gym. You can’t outrun your fork.
Exercise has HUGE benefits:
- Endorphin boost
- Increased energy
- Better mental health
- Self-esteem
- Cardiac health
- Stronger bones
Just don’t pretend it will fix your food choices.
Day 4 Mini-Challenge
(Pick one to try tomorrow, and share about it in the comments for accountability.)
- Get outside today.
- Move 10 minutes.
- Clean the house with vigor.
Share your thoughts about exercise in the comments, and then head over to join the Spring into Wellness Weight Loss Challenge. Enrollment is open now.
5. Weight Loss Myths: Busted! No Soup Treats for You
Think back to the last time you fell off the healthy eating wagon.
You probably told yourself something like,
That’s it, Self. Enough’s enough. Time to get back on track. No treats for you this week.
Cutting out treats feels like the right solution, especially if you tend to overeat or binge on them.
Maybe you’ve even told yourself,
I’ll just finish off this bag of chips/pile of candy/wedge of cake to get it out of the house so I’m not tempted by it.
The problem is that deprivation leads to desperation.
Can you imagine a lifetime without birthday cake and Girl Scout cookies?
Maybe you plan to bring back treats when you hit your goal weight.
The issue here is that nothing magical happens when you hit your goal weight.🧚🏻♀️Having lived life at goal for 20 years, I’m here to tell you there’s no fairy godmother granting junk food fantasies.
Whatever you do to lose the weight is the same thing you have to do to maintain the weight.
If you ever plan to eat cheesecake, Cheetos, or cherry pie again, figure out how to add it to your food plan now.
Want more help with incorporating junk food, fast food, and treats without binging on them? You’ll want to join the Spring into Wellness Weight Loss Challenge, kicking off on May 1st, where I’ll be teaching specific strategies for how to make it happen.
Day 5 Mini Challenge
(Pick one to try tomorrow, and share about it in the comments for accountability.)
- Check out the post about The Treat Box.
- Plan for one treat to eat outside the house.
- Sit and eat a treat without distraction.
6. (Bonus) Weight Loss Myths: Busted! Taking Medication to Lose Weight is Cheating
Let’s talk about weight loss meds, especially the new GLP-1s like Ozempic, Wegovy, Zepbound, and Mounjaro.
When people say taking medication to lose weight is cheating, I wonder what they mean by that.
- Cheating who?
- Cheating what?
- Cheating death?
From what I have seen, it’s not skinny people who get their panties in a bundle about weight loss meds.
The people who are most upset are other overweight people.
Is the real issue here…jealousy?
I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve been jealous when I read about people on GLP-1s who have a drastic reduction in appetite or “food noise” (aka obsessive food thoughts).
I want that.
Weight loss drugs (or surgery) aren’t cheating. They are one more tool in the toolbox. They work best when paired with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and an extra dose of compassion.
This is the end of our myth-busting series. Which one was most impactful for you? Tell us about it in the comments below.
Day 6 Mini-Challenge
(There is just one today.)
- Give grace to yourself and others. When we are harsh with others, it’s often because we are even more harsh with ourselves.
Share your thoughts (with kindness!) in the comments, and then check out the Spring into Wellness Weight Loss Challenge. Enrollment closes on April 30th at midnight.
Weight Loss Research, Facts, and Studies
Here is the research we used for our videos.
Research for Myth 1 – Night Eating Causes Weight Gain
Late night eating impact – Harvard Medical School – Study provides experimental evidence that late eating may increase hunger, obesity risk.
Scientists Dispel Late-Night Eating/Weight Gain Myth – Oregon Health & Science University – Study suggests that other factors play a more significant role in weight management.
Research for Myth 2 – You Need More Willpower
What you need to know about willpower – American Psychological Association – Study acknowledges that resisting short-term temptations can be challenging.
Willpower is not enough – Article highlights the misconception that education and urging people to make the right choices alone can solve the obesity epidemic.
Research for Myth 3 – All Calories are Created Equal
There’s no sugar-coating it: All calories are not created equal – Harvard Health – Article emphasizes that the metabolic effects of each calorie matter, and the source of the calorie changes how you digest it and retrieve energy from it.
When Dieting, Not All Calories Are Created Equal – Scientific American – Article highlights that the types of calories consumed can significantly affect how efficiently the body burns calories and maintains weight loss.
Research for Myth 4 – No Exercise = No Weight Loss
Just don’t do it: 10 exercise myths – The Guardian – In this article, Harvard professor of evolutionary biology, Daniel E. Lieberman, dispels common workout myths. One of these myths is that exercise is normal and necessary.
Why You Don’t Always Lose Weight With Exercise – Psychology Today – Study reveals that a 25% reduction in daily calorie intake is more effective for health improvement than exercise alone.
Coca Cola Funds Research to Push Exercise Agenda – Coca-Cola Funds Scientists Who Shift Blame for Obesity Away From Bad Diets.
Metabolic Adaptation 6 Years After Biggest Loser – A study to measure long-term changes in resting metabolic rate (RMR) and body composition in participants of The Biggest Loser competition.
Research for Myth 5 – No Treats for You
Some Myths about Nutrition & Physical Activity – National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) – Study dispels the myth that you have to give up all your favorite foods to lose weight. In reality, small amounts of high-calorie treats can be part of your weight-loss plan as long as you track your total calorie intake.
Myths and Misconceptions about Nutrition – LibreTexts – Resource highlights that you don’t need to give up all your favorite foods to lose weight.
Research for Myth 6 – Weight Loss Medication is Cheating
The effect of GLP-1 receptor agonist use on negative evaluations of women with higher and lower body weight – International Journal of Obesity – Study shows that people with larger and smaller bodies alike are at-risk for being judged for using GLP-1 RAs due to beliefs that these medications are a shortcut.
How ‘Ozempic shaming’ illuminates complexities of treating weight problems – The Harvard Gazette – Article states that fear and bias are the main causes for backlash. Mistrust of the medical community is another potential explanation for the vigor with which people are so opposed to the use of medications for weight management.
Thank you for the Myth Busting of Cheating if you use Wegovy or another weight loss drug. I only wish I’d read your post sooner. It is amazing how the idea that using Wegovy or another med like it is cheating and you really nailed it when you said we were being harsh with ourselves or others about this. It is a tool and God gave us medicine, too. Using this tool, tempered with grace, prayer and the Word of God, and wisdom. I’m still struggling to get to a point walking doesn’t irritate arthritis in my foot, but at least I know I’m doing something about the weight that makes it worse. One step at a time as I adjust to the medicine and work on the lifestyle changes. Thank you again for your encouragement.
I agree completely with your ideas on these weight loss drugs. I would get them myself but insurance won’t pay and can’t afford meds. You are right, it count life or death for some people. Could they be harmful? Yes maybe but so can diabetes, heart disease or cancer. All could be caused by obesity. I get desperate at times as I want the pounds come and can’t seem to control it. Thanks
Thank you Sara for all you do and your commitment to us. Love all you gifts and encouragement it’s a blessing Gid Bless you 🤗🤗🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you so much for posting this. I am still wary of GLP-1 agitators for myself, but I have been struggling with weight all my life and am convinced I could not have lost 90 pounds if I had not been prescribed Vyvanse for my ADHD in my mid-50s. Weight loss meds are no more “cheating” than weight loss surgery is, and they are far less risky.
This is how I finally kept my weight off not fearing any food (except nasty broccoli which I gave up to lose weight 😂😂😂).
I am having TCBY yogurt today.
Cannot thank you enough for the kind and gentle (and very useful) guidance. Though I have followed you for some time, I desperately need the encouragement. Thank you so much
I’m so glad it’s helpful! Thanks for the comment, Linda.
My problem is I just like to eat!!! Most of the time I am not really hungry for a snack but I love them! I always make sure I have my weight watcher peanut putter cookies in the freezer [ my granddaughter loves them too] My husband loves to go to timmys after supper so most of the time I have my coffee with him and sneak a weight watcher cookie in my purse so I feel like I can also have a yummy treat and its only 2 points! My granddaughter laughs so hard at that but she knows exactly what I’m like! I just feel so much better in the morning when I know I have made the right choices the day and night before.
How do you make your WW pb cookies? I am a PB fanatic!
Love ow you are educating us on some optics we wouldn’t even think about!
Thank you!
Yeah, I’m so glad it’s helpful. Thanks for following the series.
What a great video! I especially loved how you started it by sharing that there isn’t a time stamp next to the calorie count 🙂 I think a lot of times we can hear something from someone else and believe it as truth when it’s really a myth. So so good! I already eat breakfast and have a calming evening routine so I like the idea of having 3 planned out “emergency” snacks in case I’m still hungry. I’ve found over the last 4 months that having food at the ready, is key to my weight loss…then I don’t make irrational decisions! Thanks for all you and your team do. Very grateful I found you!
It sounds like you are making some fantastic choices, Michelle. Good for you.
My plan is to create a calming evening routine. I’ll start by making a list of the things I need to do before being ready to actually go to sleep. These are simple things like washing my face, taking night tine pills.
Great plan!