Sara: How do you stay fit in this season of your life?
Cathy: I do Body Pump ( a weight/cardio class) twice a week and I run at least twice a week.

Cathy Hooper learned BodyPump strengthened her legs for running.
Sara: Have you always been fit and active? What drew you into it?
Cathy: Absolutely not. I always thought I was clumsy and athletic and never did any sports in school. I tried running a time or two after I was grown, but it was hard so I thought I couldn’t do it. When my daughter went off to college she challenged me to run a 5K with her over Christmas break. Wanting to do anything to stay connected to her I agreed. I downloaded podcasts for couch to 5K on my ipod Nano and went to the gym. I thought running hurt my knees too much so I did most of my training on the elliptical. At the end of the 12 weeks C to 5K program I could run for 30 minutes but that wasn’t 3.1 miles! We did the 5K and it was 16 degrees that day.

“JiggleButt 5K” Even though it was only 16 degrees that day, Cathy says she wore way too many layers and was way too hot!
At the beginning of 2016, I set a goal of running a 5K (either an organized run or my own personal) at least once a month. It was a struggle and I walked almost as much as I ran. My time on Jan. 1 was 44:14. Now this is when I joined the running group. As the year progressed I was running more and farther. By December that goal was far surpassed as I ran 7 times that month with each run being at least 3.1 miles. I ran a total of 349.95 miles in 2016. (It kills me I din’t get that final .05 in.)
That included 47 5Ks out of 110 runs and two 10Ks.

Running a 10K! What a personal accomplishment.

Cathy and her daughter

Cathy at a 10K for Autism with two of her BodyPump instructors.

Cathy with her early morning running partners.
Sara: What would you say to a woman who says, “It’s too late for me to start now. I’m too old.”
Sara: Tell us about a highlight moment of achievement that stands out for you.
Sara: Is there anything else you want to share?

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