Marriage is Holy.
Marriage is holy because God designed it as the closest relationship on earth and a beautiful example of how Christ loves the church.
I used to underestimate the sacred space of marriage. The time I spend with my husband is time on holy ground, and not just when we are at worship or praying together. All the time we spend investing in our relationship — talking about our day, juggling hectic kid schedules, driving to the store, cuddling on the couch together, doing yard work, having sex, arguing, sharing our dreams about the future — all these moments are touch-points of connection.
Satan hates marriage. He is attempting to tear down our marriages today, even as we read these words. The enemy whispers in our ear, “Does your husband really care about your day? He’s always too distracted to listen anyway,” or “You are always the one to apologize first. How unfair. Let him take a turn for once!” Satan continually plants seeds of doubt and greed in our hearts.
Marriage is Not Easy.
Getting married is easy. Even the most elaborate wedding is simple in comparison to the work involved in making years of marriage to one person continue to happen over a lifetime.
Staying married is tougher. We can live together but apart. It’s possible to be friendly but not intimate, or in close proximity but not vulnerable. I know because I’ve done it at different times.
To have a fantastic marriage with Christ at the center in the way God intended, is rare. It requires a mutual commitment to ongoing, self-sacrificing love. To have an amazing marriage, we need to be vulnerable when it’s scary and in it for the long haul. Building trust requires daily action.
A Marriage Check Up
All the moments we invest in our marriage have forever value. Whether it feels like part of the boring everyday or heart-stopping, all the time we spend with our spouse is important.
All the moments we invest in our marriage have forever value.
We have created two resources to strengthen marriages. The first is The Marriage Check-Up Quiz. This is a quick, easy 10 question survey for each spouse to take individually rating areas of the marriage relationship. Then come together and compare. There are no right or wrong answers. This is meant to be used as a discussion starter.
Click here for this PDF download:
The second resource is a page Mike and I have created with our favorite marriage resources. Access it here: Improve Your Marriage: Healthy Marriage Resources
What are the ways you invest in your marriage? What has been most helpful for you and your spouse?
FREE! Fun Marriage Tips

*Get closer to your spouse today!
*Strong Marriage printable pack instant download
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Having just celebrated my 39th anniversary, I must say marriage takes work! It takes dedication, patience, understanding, persiverance, grace, and of course love just to mention a few. It is so easy in today’s throw away world to do the same with a marriage when it gets a little rough. Having couples that have been married “forever”, is becoming a rare thing and it makes me fearful for those newly married today. What sort of example has been set and what kind of mentor is present for them to turn to?
Thanks Sara! Great words.
Thanks so much for your insights! 39 years is truly something special and to be celebrated. It’s hard work but totally worth it. Great point that it’s becoming harder for young couples to find mentors to look up to.