What is advent, and why do we celebrate it during church year? What does the word Advent mean? Read on to learn more about the season before Continue Reading
The Apostle’s Creed – What It Means & Why We Still Say It
The Apostle’s Creed is one of the most widely recognized statements of faith in Christianity. Recited for centuries, it unites believers in a common Continue Reading
How to Pray for Beginners – A Simple Guide
Recently, a reader wrote and asked me a thought-provoking question when she said, "How do I actually pray? I understand prayer is talked to God but I Continue Reading
31 Joy Bible Verses {with Free PDF Reading Plan}
Use these 30+ Bible verses about joy to focus on the peace, happiness, and hope in hard times that are yours in Christ, no matter what your outside Continue Reading
31 Bible Verses about Knowing Jesus {with Free PDF Printable Reading Plan}
Use these Bible verses about knowing Jesus to develop a deeper relationship with Christ as your Savior and Friend. Each day presents a new Continue Reading
7 Common Table Prayers During Meal Time (Free PDF Printable)
Use these seven common table prayers at mealtime to start your time of refreshment by asking for God's blessings. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of Continue Reading
What is Epiphany? Meaning and Celebration Explained
Epiphany is celebrated by many Christians around the world. When is Epiphany and what does it mean? What is Epiphany? What is Continue Reading
How to Use an Advent Wreath
Have you considered using an Advent wreath as part of your preparation for Christmas this year? For both adults and children, using an Advent wreath Continue Reading
7 Incredible Ways to Use Bible Gateway to Grow Your Faith
Discover new ways to use Bible Gateway to grow your faith by looking up Bible verses, reading commentaries, receiving devotions, and more. Bible Continue Reading
5 Steps to Dig Deep into One Bible Verse
It's been said that the Bible is unlike any other book in the world because it has wisdom simple enough for a child to understand, yet enough depth Continue Reading
My Time in God’s Word Printable Bible Reading Tracker
Do you long to spend more time in God's Word on a regular basis? Do you find yourself desiring to dig deeper into Scripture and come away with a Continue Reading
Why Do We Celebrate the Lord’s Supper?
Since Jesus first instituted the Lord's Supper (or Communion) on the night before his death, Christians around the world have participated in the Continue Reading