A house blessing is meaningful way to invite God’s peace, protection, and care into your home. House blessings are especially appropriate when moving into a new home, after a time of great family difficulty, or at the start of each New Year.
Here is how to do a house blessing, including a free printable you can use for a house blessing of your own.

What is a House Blessing?
A house blessing is asking for God to provide care for the family members of a house and asking for his peace and protection in that dwelling place.
We are not worshiping the object of the house itself, but rather asking God to provide love and protect to the family members of the house. Remember, it is God who is to be worshiped and praised and who always deserves our full honor and glory.
God provides for us and we thank him for the gifts He give to us. We use those gifts in service of him. A house blessing is a reminder that we can use this gift to praise and serve him.
A house blessing prayer is a way to invite God into your home and make it a place to honor and glorify Him.
Some people have the tradition saying a house blessing at Epiphany to commemorate the visit of the Magi to the toddler Jesus as his house.
House Blessing in the Bible
There is no magic in a house blessing. The power comes from the word of God. God’s word is powerful anytime it is spoken and used. Hebrews tells us,
“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
Hebrews 4:12
What is even more important is that we continue to read God’s Word and use it daily within our homes.
Another place where we hear about house blessings is found in the Old Testament and by extension the Jewish Tradition. Found in the book of Deuteronomy, Jews were instructed by God to pray the Shema every morning an night, and are instructed to “write them upon the doorposts of thy house, and upon thy gates (Deuteronomy 6:9)”.
This resulted in the mezuzah, which is a copy of the prayer hung at the entrances of their homes.
How to Bless a Home
My favorite Scripture for blessing a house is Joshua 24:15:
“But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Joshua 24:15 (ESV)
My favorite way to conduct a house blessing is to move from room to room and say a blessing in each location.
House Blessing Prayers & Bible Verses for Each Room
Entrance (Prayer of Protection)
Bible Verse: “Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” Romans 5:7
Prayer: Lord, protect and guide those who come and go out of this house. Allow this home to be a place of peace, safety, and hospitality. Let all that is done here reflect your presence. Amen.
Kitchen/Dining Room (Prayer for God to Meet Our Needs)
Bible Verse: “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, who has dealt wondrously with you.” Joel 2:26a
Prayer: May those who live here never go hungry and may they always be mindful of the needs of others. Amen.
Family Room/Living Room (Prayer for Relationships)
Bible Verse: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8
Prayer: Lord of all creation, give us a right judgment in all things, that we may rejoice in all that is good and be defended against all that is evil. Guide our television viewing, our computer use, and our entertainment. Be part of our family conversations that we speak to each other with your love. In Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.
Bedrooms (Prayer for Peace & Sleep)
Bible Verse: “In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.” Psalm 4:8
Prayer: Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake; watch over us as we sleep, that awake we may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, we may rest in his peace. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Closing (Prayer for Shelter)
Bible Verse: “For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer.” 1 Timothy 4:4-5
Prayer: Be our shelter, Lord, when we are at home, our companion when we are away, and our welcome guest when we return. At last receive us into the dwelling place you have prepared for us in your Father’s house, where you live for ever and ever. Amen.
Can a House Be Demon-Possessed?
I’ve been asked this question and the basic answer is yes, a house can indeed be demon possessed. Satan, our enemy, is incredibly powerful, and when people choose to invite him into their lives by using the occult, witchcraft, and other means, evil takes root. Haunted houses tend to be a played-up Halloween parody, but while rare, demon possession can happen.
James 2:19 tells us, “You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe-and shudder!” Demons exist and Christians do well to avoid all types of evil.
Yet we also have no reason to live in fear.
The house our family lives in now (built in 1910) is over 100 years old. There is so much history in this house, some of it good and some of it very bad I’m sure. We did not do a house blessing to somehow ward off old evil spirits that might be lurking from past sins. We did the house blessing to ask God’s protection and guidance for our family.
Common Questions about House Blessings (FAQ)
Here are some answers to common questions about house blessings.
What are the steps to do a house blessing?
“But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15 ESV)
Every day the world beckons us away from Christ. A house blessing is a confession of faith and a prayer for God’s blessing, guidance, wisdom, and protection for the members of your family. It doesn’t need to be a complicated ceremony. Make it simple with a prayer for the house and the members in it, or say a prayer for each room.
When to do a House Blessing?
Do the house blessing when you move into a new home, at Epiphany, on New Year’s Day, after a tragic loss, when someone new moves in, when a new baby arrives, or when you are moving out.
Who does the House Blessing?
The leader may read one portion and different family members may take turns reading the other parts. It’s a good idea to get the whole family involved because everyone will be living here.
What do you need for a House Blessing?
Light a candle and begin with a song if you choose. There are no specific things you need to bring to a house blessing. Choose things that will help you get into a mindset to welcome God into your home.
In the Catholic faith and in some Christian traditions, it is common to sprinkle a bit of holy water in each room. An ancient Epiphany tradition is to put chalk on the door frame of the house.
What is the ceremony like?
The family moves from room to room and says a blessing in each location. The blessing can be simple, like a Bible verse or a short prayer asking God to come and dwell in this place.
It is especially meaningful to make the blessing relate specifically to the usage of the room, such as how the kitchen provides nourishment and the family room is used for gatherings. This will help make the blessings more personalized for each room. Check out our printable for some examples.
FREE Printable House Blessing PDF
As my gift to you, here is a free printable house blessing you can use at your house.
- Pray a prayer of blessing over the loved ones in your home.
- Bible verses to bless a house.
- Great for a new home, Epiphany, New Year’s Day, or anytime you want to ask God’s guidance.


My Family’s House Prayer Story
When we moved into our new house in New York after moving from Colorado we had a house blessing for our new home. We used the blessing from the printable above, and afterward we had a toast and a special dessert.

Have fun with a house blessing with your family. It can help make the young ones more interested and excited about what is happening, and it’s also a reminder to all of us that this is a celebration of a space you will be living in.
We used a similar blessing when we moved out of our old house, adding in that we stopped at each room and shared special memories of things that happened in that room. Here are more ways to say goodbye to a house you have loved.

More Posts You Will Love
Come Inside for a New (Old) House Tour
How to Say Goodbye to a House You Have Loved
When You are Embarrassed by the Condition of Your Home

Grow Your Faith with Helpful Printables

*How to Do a House Blessing
*How to Use an Advent Wreath
*Bible Verse Cards
I hadn’t thought of the connection to Epiphany, that’s great! And I appreciate your preface that it’s not magic, but God’s Word that works and acts in our homes. Thanks for the printable! Your desserts look yummy and I must say that your husband’s shirt is awesome. ?