Use these Bible verses about flourishing to learn what God says in scripture about thriving and growing in faith.
The Struggle to Flourish
I quit praying.
Several years ago, I was in a dark season. If you asked me during that time how I felt about about life, I would tell you it was bleak, dreary, and depressing.
- We were in the midst of major problems with our children.
- I had several scary health issues in a row.
- My marriage was in a place where we fought often (if we spoke to each other at all).
- Ministry was a struggle.

My prayers seemed to go unanswered.
When You are Too Exhausted to Pray
So, I quit on all the God stuff.
I quit praying.
I didn’t stop believing in God, but I didn’t think He cared, and I was seriously angry with Him.
I could not see how a loving God would put one family through such problems – one, after another, after another piling on top of each other.
I was over it.
How to Flourish in Your Faith
Today, as I look back on that season I see God’s hand gently guiding me, but I sure didn’t feel it at the time.
The Bible tells us that when we are too exhausted to pray, the Holy Spirit prays for us on our behalf (Romans 8:26). I had friends who were praying me through this tough time. I received professional treatment for depression. I continued to go to worship and participate in Bible studies, even when I felt like I was going through the motions.
I credit these things for my continued faith today, because it certainly wasn’t from any effort on my part.
Slowly, I came out of that difficult season. Life didn’t suddenly get better, but each day I became stronger.
To flourish means deep, vigorous growth. Flourishing also means bold, extravagant action.
During my rough season, I was far from flourishing, yet my faith continued from that tiny spark that was started with my baptism.
Flourishing means clinging to God’s promises for your life in the good times and the bad.
Flourishing doesn’t mean putting on a happy-happy-joy-joy face all the time or pretending everything is fine when it is not fine. Sometimes flourishing comes when you barely hold on by your fingertips for awhile.
But my friend, I promise you, flourishing does come.

7 Bible Verses about How to Flourish in Your Faith
God desires for you to be a strong, engaged, bold woman of faith. This is flourishing. Read what He tells you in His Word.
1. Psalm 92:13
They are planted in the house of the Lord;
they flourish in the courts of our God.
Psalm 92:13
The Bible uses the analogy of how we can flourish like a palm tree that is planted by a stream or river. When we are rooted in God, we grow and prosper.
2. James 1:10-12
And the rich in his humiliation, because like a flower of the grass he will pass away. For the sun rises with its scorching heat and withers the grass; its flower falls, and its beauty perishes. So also will the rich man fade away in the midst of his pursuits. Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.
James 1:10-12
You will experience many trials during your lifetime. As Christians, this is to be expected because Satan will attack and try to pull you away from God. By the power of the Holy Spirit, remain steadfast and you will be blessed.
3. Psalm 1:1-6
Blessed is the man
who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
but his delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree
planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.
The wicked are not so,
but are like chaff that the wind drives away.
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;for the Lord knows the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.Psalm 1:1-6
Psalm 1 provides us with an incredible amount of wisdom. One important way to flourish is to meditate on God’s Word day and night, and in fact to delight in God’s law. Think about the areas of your life where you try to fudge the rules or bend things to your own will. These might seem like minor things, but they prevent you from flourishing because you aren’t in line with God’s will for your life. The good news is that Jesus offers total and complete forgiveness so that we can learn to walk more closely with Him.
4. 1 Corinthians 9:24-25
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable.
1 Corinthians 9:24-25
Run the race of faith with endurance, and you will be given the gift of eternal life. This gift isn’t from your own good works but is a gift of God. Whatever hardship you are enduring today, it will be worth it in the end.
5. Isaiah 35:1-7
The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad;
the desert shall rejoice and blossom like the crocus;it shall blossom abundantly
and rejoice with joy and singing.
The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it,
the majesty of Carmel and Sharon.
They shall see the glory of the Lord,
the majesty of our God.
Strengthen the weak hands,
and make firm the feeble knees.
Say to those who have an anxious heart,
“Be strong; fear not!
Behold, your God
will come with vengeance,
with the recompense of God.
He will come and save you.”
Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened,
and the ears of the deaf unstopped;
then shall the lame man leap like a deer,
and the tongue of the mute sing for joy.
For waters break forth in the wilderness,
and streams in the desert;the burning sand shall become a pool,
and the thirsty ground springs of water;
in the haunt of jackals, where they lie down,
the grass shall become reeds and rushes.Isaiah 35:1-7
Do you struggle with worry, anxiety, or stress? Do you find that your mind comes back again and again to ruminate over your life’s problems? Flourishing comes from finding strength in God to let go of all worry. Be strong and do not fear. God is in control.
6. Zechariah 9:16-17
On that day the Lord their God will save them,
as the flock of his people;
for like the jewels of a crown
they shall shine on his land.
For how great is his goodness, and how great his beauty!
Grain shall make the young men flourish,
and new wine the young women.Zechariah 9:16-17
Zechariah gives us a beautiful word picture of what we look like when our faith flourishes in God. We are like jewels in God’s crown and we will grow and thrive under the Lord’s protection.
7. Psalm 37:18-19
The Lord knows the days of the blameless,
and their heritage will remain forever;
they are not put to shame in evil times;
in the days of famine they have abundance.Psalm 37:18-19
God not only gives us blessings, but he gives us an abundance. Think of all the blessings you have in your life right now. Your life is filled to overflowing with good things! Thank God for the ways He has cared for you.
Use these scriptures about flourishing to strengthen your faith and trust in the Lord. By God’s power, you will be a beautiful reflection of Him.
Are you flourishing in your faith today? Share in the comments.
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Thank you for sharing this. I keep coming back to it when it seems like the strength to Trust God has left me. Thank You Jesus
Thanks so much for this! I really needed to hear this. I feel like you did then. I feel like I’m going through the motions and that there is just way too much on me. I am disappointed that things are happening as they are and I can’t seem to get a handle on them. Thanks for the encouragement. I’ll keep “hanging on”!!!
Thanks for sharing your heart, Lisa. Do not give up! Definitely check out The Flourish Conference because it is SO inspiring. (Plus, free. 🙂 )