Welcome to Faithful Fitness: God, Weight Loss, and Exercise Faithful Fitness is a focus on being healthy while keeping God at the center of your Continue Reading
Garlic Sweet Potato Mash
Garlic Sweet Potato Greens Mash by Jen Pedri I don't know about you, but I tend to lack in the greens department. I get stuck in these dinner veggie Continue Reading
Why My eBook Hasn’t Been Popular
We do some weird stuff in the name of getting thin. Liquid diets, drinking water with maple syrup and lemon for a week, colon cleanses, and giving up Continue Reading
One Weird Thing that Helps Me Enjoy Exercise More
Finding exercise I enjoy has been a problem for me. I've always been more the curl-up-with-a-good-book type of person. Unless I was attempting yet Continue Reading
How Does Guilt Fit into Weirdly Faithful Fitness?
Should we feel guilty when we overeat? Should we feel guilty for being overweight? How about for eating junk food, like chips and chocolate, that we Continue Reading
Are there Good Foods and Bad Foods?
When it comes to healthy eating and weight loss, are there good foods and bad foods? Are There Good Foods and Bad Foods? Should we feel more Continue Reading
The Freedom of Constraint
When The Nester challenged us to write every day for 31 days, she encouraged us to choose a narrow topic. It seems that the opposite would be true, Continue Reading
Call Me Weird, But…I LOVE the Paleo Lifestyle!
Since embarking on the Paleo lifestyle a year and a half ago, I have gotten some pretty weird looks and comments; more specifically, MY family is the Continue Reading
Do This When You Feel Ridiculously Underqualified
Have you heard God calling you to do something where you felt ridiculously underqualified? This is the ninth of 31 days in my commitment to write Continue Reading
Laughter is the best…Fitness?
While I wouldn't go so far as to consider laughter a workout similar to weight lifting or crunches, I absolutely believe laughter is good for the mind Continue Reading
Motivations for The Coming Week
Thoughts and Scripture for your Fitness and Faith Motivation for the week ahead: Which of these speaks to you the most? Why? Weird Faithful Continue Reading
Ask the Experts for Fitness Advice: YOU!
Today I'm turning to you, the experts, to share your advice with our readers. What is your best tip or words of advice for getting started and staying Continue Reading