Here are 30 Faith of Fear Bible verses to help you calm anxiety during difficult times.
Do you find yourself stressed and anxious? You may be worried due to global issues like politics and world events, or personal situations such as health issues, financial concerns, or challenging relationships.
No matter the challenges you face, God invites you to deepen your faith and grow in understanding by learning what His Word says about releasing fear. When you rely on God, your faith becomes bigger than your fear.

Faith Over Fear Devotion Book on Amazon
I originally wrote this devotion series during the pandemic when many of us were at home during quarantine. For 30 days, I posted short daily devotion videos on Facebook and YouTube. These devotions were so popular that I eventually created a devotion book that is now available on Amazon.
You can use the free printable PDF reading plan (below), watch the daily devotion videos on YouTube, read the devotions from the book Fear Less: 30 Devotions for Courageous Faith on Amazon, or all of the above.
Click here to watch the full series of devotion videos on YouTube.

Faith Over Fear In Hard Times
There’s plenty to worry about when you look at the state of things in today’s world:
- political unrest
- school shooting and arguments about gun control
- deeply divisive political issues such as gender equality, gay marriage, and racial tension
Closer to home, we all face challenges from living in a broken world:
- pain and sickness for ourselves and those we love
- chronic health issues
- depression and mental health issues
- addictions and bad habits (especially food issues for me personally)
- relationship struggles
- financial worries
- job stress
- worries about our children and grandchildren
- everyday life stress like cars that break down, printers that won’t print,
The Bible has a lot to say about clinging to faith instead of giving in to fear. Let’s take a look at the encouragement and challenge we are given to focus on Christ during these hard times and strengthen our faith in Him.
What Does Faith Over Fear Mean?
As we talk about having faith instead of worry and doubt, what exactly does that mean?
Here’s what Crosswalk has to say:
Developing faith that conquers fears takes daily discipline, constant prayer, knowledge of who God is, and recognizing who He says we are. Faith is listening and trusting beyond what we can see and make sense of. Scripture says God shields the righteous, and to cast our anxieties on Him because He cares for us. Faith over fear is choosing Him every day, and every time something threatens to steal our attention. Christ never promised us easy, but He did promise we wouldn’t walk through anything alone. Faith holds on for dear life when the pain is unexplainable, unfair, and seemingly never-ending.
What does faith over fear mean to you? Share about it in the comments below, and I’ll be sharing more of my thoughts as we study each day of the 30 Day Faith Over Fear Bible Reading plan.
What Does The Bible Say About Faith Over Fear?
Jesus tells us that we will have troubles in this world. However, He also promises that we have victory through our faith because Jesus Christ has overcome the world.
If you are facing hard and uncertain times, you can be encouraged to press on knowing that you are an overcomer.
Use this Bible verse about having faith in hard times to lift your spirits and to share with others who might be questioning God’s goodness.
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6
How Many Times Does The Bible Say Fear Not?
The Bible says “fear not” over 300 times. This is an amazing reminder that as Christians, while we will face difficulty, there is no reason for us to be afraid.
God encourages his followers to fear not 365 times in the Bible, one for each day of the year, Pastor Rick Warren says, emphasizing that He didn’t intend for Christians to spend their days preoccupied with anxiety and worry. –ChristianPost
What Does Scripture Say About Faith?
Faith and fear cannot exist together.
Check out how explains the concept of faith vs fear:
Faith is described in Hebrews 11:1 as being “certain of what we do not see.” It is an absolute belief that God is constantly working behind the scenes in every area of our lives, even when there is no tangible evidence to support that fact. On the other hand, fear, simply stated, is unbelief or weak belief. As unbelief gains the upper hand in our thoughts, fear takes hold of our emotions. Our deliverance from fear and worry is based on faith, which is the very opposite of unbelief.
Faith vs. Fear: GotQuestions
Let’s remember that panic and fear are not from God. Although God understands our concerns, He give us peace and hope. It is possible to respond to a crisis seriously and deliberately while maintaining an inner sense of calm and hope.
Free PDF Printable Faith Over Fear Scriptures
Grab our 30 Day Faith Over Fear Bible Reading Plan now to help you regain the hope in your life.

When you click to download this reading plan, you’ll be prompted to invest in the 30 Day Bible Reading Plan Notebook. While optional, this printable notebook will be a great help as we study together during the month of April and May.
Remember to watch the series of devotions on You Tube.

Panic and fear are not from God. Although God understands our concerns, He give us peace and hope. It is possible to respond to a crisis seriously and deliberately while maintaining an inner sense of calm and hope.
What does faith over fear mean to you? How has God grown your faith during difficult times? Share about it in the comments below.
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You have so many great resources! Thank you so much for making them available free of charge! That really helps people like me. I’m looking forward to learning more about what God says in the Bible about faith over fear. Thank you again!