If I had to list the number one question I receive from WW members, it would be this, “Why am I not losing weight on Weight Watchers?” Let’s explore this together and figure out how to get your weight loss on track quickly and easily.
Are You Not Losing Weight on Weight Watchers?
Last week I received this email question from a reader named Sheri.
Hi Sara,
I’ve been faithfully following the WW program for months and I’m so frustrated that I’m not losing weight. I’m not overeating. I’m walking 3-4 times a week. I need to lose 40 pounds so I’m not even close to my goal weight. One week I might lose a pound, but then the next week I gain it back and I haven’t lost much overall. What can I do? Why can everyone else lose weight and not me?
Can you relate to Sheri?
I know I sure can. It’s so frustrating to feel like you’re doing all the right things and still not losing weight.
Why You Are Not Losing Weight
I’m going to tell you the truth and it is probably not the news you want to hear, but there’s no point in sugar coating it.
You are eating too many calories.
I can hear your but…but…but!!! (And I get it because I do more than my fair share of but-butting.)
But none of those buts really matter.
- You might have low thyroid.
- You might have arthritis.
- You might be in pre-menopause, menopause, or post-menopause.
- You might a lower metabolic rate because you have a history of dieting.
- You might have stinky genetics.
You might be following the WW program perfectly, but if you are eating too many calories for your body, you aren’t going to lose weight.
Weight loss seems complex but at its most basic level it’s super-simple.
If you are stuck and not losing weight, it’s because somewhere, somehow, you are eating too many calories.
It’s not that the WW system isn’t working for you.
And by the way, there is no “starvation mode” according to weight loss research doctors so set that myth aside. If we put you into a deserted island with no food, you would lose weight.
The WW points system is a great way to lose weight, but at the end of the day it’s really just a fancy way of counting calories. Yes, there is a bit more complexity to the WW points system (like higher points for foods with sugar and lower points for foods with lean protein) but ultimately fat loss comes from reducing calories so that your body burns your reserves and you drop pounds.
Create an Action Plan for When You Aren’t Losing Weight
If you are not losing weight on WW, let’s develop an action plan together. Here are the steps to take.
- Get real. This is the grand-daddy solution. Look at your diet like someone from the outside would look at it. Think like a scientist. You’re overeating (for your body) somewhere. If necessary, bring a copy of your food log to your doctor, a dietitian, or your WW leader.
- Get real about when you are NOT tracking. What about the times you DON’T track? Your splurges could be killing your weight loss. Think about the meal after weigh-in, celebration meals, weekends, BLTs (bites, licks, and tastes) while cooking, finishing your kid’s leftovers, those few bites of your husband’s dessert or TV-watching popcorn, and evening or middle-of-the-night snacking. You might dismiss those extra calories, but your body doesn’t.
- Get real about binge eating. This has been a big one for me because I have a history of binge eating. One eating binge can counteract WEEKS (no joke) of healthy eating. You feel like you’re doing great because you have all these days in a row of eating healthy or even under-eating, but a binge or cheat meal or splurge of a couple thousand calories can mean you are still into the range of overeating. If you are binge eating, the WW program is not your problem. Your eating binges are your problem. Focus on fixing those first.
- Weight and measure your servings. A study showed that dietitians underestimated their food intake by about 30% and these people are experts. Research shows that overweight people have an even harder time being accurate, often under-reporting their food intake by 40%. You are probably under tracking something. We all do it, myself included. Start measuring out portions or using a food scale, especially for high-calorie foods like nuts, peanut butter, junk foods, and oils.
- Check your goal weight. Maybe it’s not realistic for you. All our bodies are different. A goal weight of 10-15 pounds above what the charts say might be healthier for you. Talk with your doctor, because WW will accept a goal weight above their range for you with a doctor’s note and you can qualify for Lifetime status.
When You are Gaining Weight with WW Points
For 2022 and 2023, Weightwatchers launched the WW Program for 2023. The program has a set list of zero point foods for all members. (Click here for a free printable list of the zero point foods.) Note that diabetic members have a different plan.
The November before that, WW had rolled out their system called Personal Points. The PP plan gave each member a unique list of zero point foods based on a personalized assessment.
Before PP, MyWW had the Green, Blue, and Purple plans so I hear from a lot of members that want to go back to a previous color plan. Before that, I heard people say they wanted Freestyle back, and I hear people talk about older Weight Watchers plans like exchange plans, Fat and Fiber and SmartPoints. Complaining about the newest system is typical in WW culture.
Every two years WW creates a completely new system and every time we WW members freak out. We are sure the previous system was so much better.
However, I will say that some people are struggle with the Weight Watchers system and I understand their frustration. There is no perfect weight loss system.
Click here to read more about my concerns with WW Points tracking. While I still think it’s a valid system and I recommend it, here are some options if it’s really not working for you.
3 Ways to Lose More Weight with WW Points
If you are struggling to lose weight with the current Weight Watchers plan, or your weight loss is slow, try one of these strategies.
- Try the Holy Mess 3 Day Diet. If you have not tried this free meal plan yet, this is where I recommend you start. The plan is based on the zero point food list. The meals are easy to prepare, taste great, and are filling. When people email me and say they aren’t losing weight or are on a weight loss plateau, the first thing I ask them is if they’ve tried the 3 day diet yet and what were their results.
- Vary how you use your weekly points. If you aren’t currently using them, try using more of them. If you are using all of them, trying not using quite as many.
- Be careful with “eating back” physical activity points. WW used to reward physical activity with giving you more food, and then for years they dropped that feature. I’m interested to see they added it back but I have some concerns. Research shows that exercise is important for health but is not the way to weight loss.
Other Weight Loss Programs Instead of Weight Watchers
If you are really struggling, maybe WW isn’t the system for you. That’s fine. Research shows that tracking is the fastest and most sure way to weight loss, and this has proven true in my own weight loss journey, so check out these other weight loss food log programs.
Try one of these systems for tracking points or calories:
- Track calories on a free app like My Fitness Pal or Lose It.
- Try Healthie (formerly itrackbites) app which is a WW knock-off. They have options for previous WW plans, too.
- Keep a paper journal of what you eat. I recommend tracking calories if you use this method.
- Some people recommend Noom, which has a Green, Yellow, Red food system. I wasn’t a fan of Noom which I reviewed it. There’s a lot of AI (Artificial Intelligence) which was off-putting to me, but I know people have had success with it.
Frequently Asked Questions about Weight Loss on WW
Finally, don’t give up. I know weight loss stalls can be frustrating, but don’t let quitting be an option. Where will quitting get you? Heavier than ever, and that’s not the answer.
Don’t believe the lie that everyone else is losing weight and not you. I know it seems that way, but if it were true why would I get all these emails from people not losing weight?
Give yourself some grace that weight loss is hard. You will figure it out. I believe you!
How is your weight loss progressing? Share about it in the comments below.
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Pitfalls to Avoid with the WW Program
When You Have a Lot of Weight (50+ Pounds) to Lose
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Catherine Brajdic says
Thank you so much Sarah for being honest and encouraging on all ends of the spectrum. I really really appreciate it. It is nice to have found this site and I am definitely going to try a three day plan that you suggested.
Catherine Brajdic says
I started a new Points program three weeks ago tomorrow I was not tracking my steps, but I know that I always love you lots even know I have many health issues I started riding a stationary bike this week I’ve done 100 miles, which is a lot for me with my health issues, I track all my points I don’t use my extra points which airline 28 a week and I’m sad at 24 a week I don’t eat all the fruits, etc. because when I did I gained weight. I did it many years ago. Where are you charted on paper and I lost 76 pounds in about six months. I was riding my bike the same then it is very hard for me to lose, and it has become extremely discouraging. I signed up for 10 months thinking that at the very least, I would be able to show my endocrinologist that I don’t sit around eating all day or binge eat my steps are over 5000 a day. I don’t know if that’s a lot but for me it seems to be on top of the other exercise.
Zoe says
I had very good results with WW about 14 years ago. I lost about 25 pounds in less than 6 months. There was pretty much no support thereafter, and over the past 14 years I’ve gained some of the weight back. I now want to lose about 15 pounds, so I started with the WW app a week ago. The app itself is really easy to use. BUT — I get more points now, and there seem to be more things with zero points, so I’d been taking advantage of that. And no surprise, so far I’ve lost basically nothing. I still have my old charts and food points from back in the day, when things like bananas and apples and eggs and beans and chicken had points, and so I’m just going to go back to what worked for me in the past. This time around, I’d been enjoying myself eating all the fruit and non-fat yogurt and and eggs and cottage cheese that I wanted, thinking wow! this is super easy and painless, feels too good to be true! Guess what, it apparently IS too good to be true. I will probably give myself 18 points now instead of 23, which clearly seems to be too much, especially when you add in all the extra supposedly zero points foods. And I will completely ignore all the extra points for exercise and the extra weekly points, just as I ignored them back in the day. All these changes are clearly just a marketing ploy. :/
Trish says
Hi! I too am stuck in a rut and about 10 lbs to shed! I am a lifetime member too and this is the first time I’ve struggled. I am currently trying your 3 day kick start menu and my question is… after the 3 days what do you suggest to continue with? Right back to my 23 points and the current plan? Or another 3 days of zero point menus? I am wondering if I end up losing a pound or 3 will I end up putting it back on once I start following the plan as usual? I hope this makes sense!! Thanks in advance!💜
Joelle says
This article is ridiculous and full of lies. ONE binge meal does NOT undue weeks of dieting. Come on.
People are struggling with this new ww diet and all you do is toe the company line and tell people to “keep trying”
Unbelievable. Nobody should listen to you.
Donna Ingalls says
I forgot to say how much I appreciate your honesty and openness in your blog, Sara. You are such an inspiration! So glad I found The Holy Mess.
Sara says
Thank you for your kind word, Donna. I’m glad you are here!
Donna Ingalls says
I’m Lifetime for a few years, but it’s a real struggle to stay there with this new program. We are meeting in person which makes me happy. Love my leader and the team.
I am not a fan of the new program at all though.
Miss my Blue Program. To me that was so easy and really worked.
I know that WW usually changes it up each November. Has anyone heard anything about another new plan? I hope it’s better.
Mary Ann Nash says
I have been lifetime and under goal for many years. I have only gained since WW changed to personal points. I don’t use any of the added back points. I stay within my points usually leaving 5-6 points each day. I drink at least 64oz of water a day, exercise 3-4 days a week but each week have a gain. I am at a loss. I pretty much still eat the blue plan. I had maintained a 25 pound loss until recently. I feel WW no longer has the personal touch that most of us need. I am frustrated and lost!!!
Sara says
I’m sorry for your frustration, Mary Ann! I am here to support your weight loss journey every step of the way. Don’t lose heart. You have been doing this for years – obviously you have the skills it takes to maintain a weight loss.
Marcia says
Question. With the new WW program has there been a return to the weekly meetings that were dissolved because of Covid?
Sara says
Yes, WW has returned to having in-person meetings. Not all the meetings re-opened but many have. You’ll want to double check the offerings in your area.
Elizabeth says
I am struggling and it’s ridiculous. This is supposed to be such a great plan. I track my points religiously and don’t ever go over. I am active. I haven’t lost anything in months of WW dieting. NOTHING!! The only thing I have gotten out of it is horrendous constipation.
Elizabeth says
I only want to lose about 15 pounds. I had previous great weight loss success (40 lbs) with KETO. I hate to go back to that, because it’s not a healthy lifestyle long-term. But at this point WW feels like a joke to me.
Sara says
I’m sorry for your frustration. While I do think overall WW is a great program, it’s not right for everyone. I hope you find what works for you for lasting weight loss.
Kristy says
I am struggling I gain I lose I gain I loose for months now. I need help, I can’t Sean to back on track for very long. I binge eat! I could use any prayers I can get! Scared of going back to my old weight. I feel out of control.
Sara @ The Holy Mess says
Kristy, I’m sorry you are struggling to lose weight. Thanks for posting here. You are keeping on working on it which is huge! Don’t give up. I have a ww facebook group you would be welcome to join. We give each other support. https://www.facebook.com/groups/wwfreestylesuccess/
Jennifer Towner says
I am finding this program ridiculous. Too many zero point food and no real advice on how much of these to eat. I have been following the plan meticulously and I started losing miniscule amounts regularly but then, all of a sudden after doing nothing differently. I have put it all back on. I am very active. Drinks lots of water and don’t eat my extra points.
You keep promoting this plan but when all else fails make the pathetic statement that it is not for everyone. Weight Watchers used to work well but not any more unfortunately.
Sara says
I’m sorry you are having trouble. I don’t work for WW so I can’t speak to why it is or isn’t working for you. Feel free to move on to other weight loss methods that work better in your situation. Have you tried the Holy Mess 3 day diet? What were your results?