- Faithful Fitness: God, Weight Loss, and Exercise
- Garlic Sweet Potato Mash
- Why My eBook Hasn’t Been Popular
- One Weird Thing that Helps Me Enjoy Exercise More
- How Does Guilt Fit into Weirdly Faithful Fitness?
- Are there Good Foods and Bad Foods?
- The Freedom of Constraint
- Call Me Weird, But…I LOVE the Paleo Lifestyle!
- Do This When You Feel Ridiculously Underqualified
- Laughter is the best…Fitness?
- Motivations for The Coming Week
- Ask the Experts for Fitness Advice: YOU!
- I Am a Person Who
- How my Son’s Life-Threatening Condition Gave Me Freedom
- Do You Need Exercise Accountability?
- How Losing the Guilt Breaks the Cycle
- My Family Hates Exercise
- Grace for the Now
- How Workouts Can Lead to Fat Gain
- Your Expert Advice: Fitness
- Don’t Forget de’ FEET!
- Four Steps to Tell Your Support Peeps What You Need
- A Day in the Life of Maintaining a 100 lb Weight Loss
- Three Girls and a Dog
- The Red Zone: How to Enjoy the Holidays and Stay Fit
- How to Avoid Burn Out and Find Fitness Success
In this previous post about how guilt fits into Weirdly Faithful Fitness, I shared the following:
All I can say is, I spent 30 years of my life beating myself up over my eating, and it didn’t do one bit of good in healing me of my eating problems. None. It wasn’t until I started lovingly treating myself with compassion that my behavior changed. We must not downplay the sin, but we cannot downplay the grace either. Christ offers full and amazing forgiveness, and I needed to fully embrace it to stop the cycle in which I was caught.
I’ve written a blog series about my 100 lb weight loss. The complexities of recovering from an eating disorder are more than I can describe in one blog post or even a series of blog posts, but I wanted to share a picture that shows a life-changing concept. This is true for eating issues and many others as well.
Removing any one part of this cycle breaks the chain. Now, removing it means actually removing it, not just saying you are removing it — it requires healing it, which is quite challenging if you’ve been stuck in this cycle for many years and the patterns are deeply entrenched. It can be done, though. I have done it. God did it.
I share this picture today to provoke thought. How can you start to change your thoughts immediately? Choose one specific idea, no matter how small.
The two key steps in the cycle for me were those on the very top and the very bottom. After I had binged, I put myself on a restrictive diet. I was going to lose the weight I had gained from this horrible eating, gosh darn it, and I was going to get this thing right! I believe I was trying to punish myself along the way, too. This only started the cycle all over again. And the “I’ve failed, I’m useless, I might as well eat more” is what made one cookie lead to 6 then 8 then I’d might as well finish the package over the course of an afternoon, and hide the wrapper in the bottom of the trash can.
Once I started treating myself with compassion, the cycle was broken. The changes took time as it was a process to create new patterns to replace the old ones, but it did happen.
As you look at this cycle, do you see ways you need to change your thoughts? Do ever get caught in cycles of thinking like this one, either about food or some other area?
- Faithful Fitness: God, Weight Loss, and Exercise
- Why My eBook Hasn’t Been Popular
- One Weird Thing that Helps Me Enjoy Exercise More
- How Does Guilt Fit into Weirdly Faithful Fitness?
- Are there Good Foods and Bad Foods?
- The Freedom of Constraint
- Call Me Weird, But…I LOVE the Paleo Lifestyle!
- Do This When You Feel Ridiculously Underqualified
- Laughter is the best…Fitness?
- Motivations for The Coming Week
- Ask the Experts for Fitness Advice: YOU!
- I Am a Person Who
- How my Son’s Life-Threatening Condition Gave Me Freedom
- Do You Need Exercise Accountability?
- How Losing the Guilt Breaks the Cycle
- My Family Hates Exercise
- Garlic Sweet Potato Mash
- Grace for the Now
- How Workouts Can Lead to Fat Gain
- Your Expert Advice: Fitness
- Don’t Forget de’ FEET!
- Four Steps to Tell Your Support Peeps What You Need
- A Day in the Life of Maintaining a 100 lb Weight Loss
- Three Girls and a Dog
- The Red Zone: How to Enjoy the Holidays and Stay Fit
- How to Avoid Burn Out and Find Fitness Success
Camille Smicker says
Wow, thank you for sharing this. It’s also really great to have the visual, and that idea that removing one piece breaks the chain. It really makes me want to sit down and write out what my own cycle is so i can SEE it and make some steps towards breaking that chain. Thank you!
Sara Borgstede says
Camille, What a fantastic idea to write out your own cycle! I love that! Anything that makes the behavior more conscious is really, really good. Smart thinking.
Chandra says
That is totally my cycle! I needed to read this today “We must not downplay the sin, but we cannot downplay the grace either. ” Thank you so much for sharing your story and inspiring people like me!
Sara Borgstede says
I’m so glad this was helpful for you, Chandra. This thought process was huge for me in my recovery although not easy to implement because the guilt was deeply entrenched. It is possble, though!