Do you desire a deeper faith and more peace in your life? Maybe you want to study Scripture but feel overwhelmed with where to begin. Use these 7 daily Bible reading plans to grow your faith.
How to Use Daily Bible Reading Plans
These free PDF printable Bible reading plans are a wonderful guide for your daily prayer and meditation on God’s Word. They can be used in a number of ways.
- Each morning when you wake up, read the listed Bible verse before you start your day.
- Write out the scripture word-for-word in a notebook.
- Choose a part of the verse to memorize and repeat to yourself often during the day.
- Use the verse as a reference as you journal or write a prayer to God.
- Use the verse for Bible Journaling.
God’s word is living, active, and powerful in your life, so you’ll discover that any time you spend in scripture is beneficial.
7 Daily Bible Reading Plans
Here at The Holy Mess, we’ve been creating Bible reading plans for awhile now (in fact, until I wrote this post I didn’t realize just how many we had created!). This is one of my favorite aspects of blogging and while I know my readers benefit, it’s a blessing to me as well.
Here are some of the Bible reading plans that have been most meaningful to readers.
1.31 Days of Seeing God’s Miracles Bible Reading Plan – Throughout the Bible, you see Jesus perform miracles and you might wonder – where is my miracle? The truth is that God still works miracles today. Use this Bible reading plan to understand more about God’s miracles.
2. God is Love 28 Day Bible Reading Plan – God’s love for you is endless. Do you feel it? Use this Bible reading plan to understand more deeply God’s powerful love for you. Originally written during February for Valentine’s Day, this reading plan is great any time of the year.
3. 30 Days of Praising God in the Storms of Life Bible Reading Plan – This has been one of the most popular Bible reading plans we’ve created. Written during a time when hurricanes were raging, the truth is that all throughout life we experience stormy seasons and cling to God for hope and shelter.
4. New Life in Christ 30 Day Bible Reading Plan – When you become a Christian, the old has passed away and the new has come! Learn how to live a new life in Christ with this Bible reading guide.
5. 30 Day Victory in Christ Bible Reading Plan – Claim the victory that is already yours in Jesus Christ! Optional printable Bible verse stickers for Bible journaling or using in your planner.
6. Endurance 31 Day Bible Reading Plan – The Bible tell you to run with endurance the race set out before you. Use this Bible reading plan for encouragement to endure no matter your circumstances.
7. 31 Days of Hope During Pain Bible Reading Plan – So many people today live in chronic pain and illness. How do you find the strength to go on? This month’s Bible reading plan is written specifically for you.
Use these 7 Bible reading plans to grow in faith and deepen your understanding of God’s will for you life as it’s revealed in the scriptures. Which reading plan will you use first?
If you have a question about a faith, feel free to email me I get hundreds of emails every week and read and respond to every one.
Helpful Bible Verse Lists
There are times you are looking for a Bible reference to help you with a specific life circumstance. Check out these.
7 Bible Verses about How to Flourish in Your Faith
7 Bible Verses about Trusting in the Lord
7 Bible Verses to Get Started with Bible Journaling
7 Powerful Bible Verses to Use When Satan Reminds You of Your Past
7 Bible Verses for When You Are Stressed and Disorganized
10 Bible Verses for When You Are Afraid
10 Encouraging Bible Verses to Ease Depression
7 Christian Weight Loss Affirmations
7 Christian Healthy Eating Affirmations
7 Christian Fitness Affirmations
ESV Single Column Journaling Bible (Black)Daily Scripture Writing Journal: 6 Month Guided Scripture Writing Journal, Memory Verse and Christian Bible Study NotebookScripture Writing about Joy 30 Day Challenge: A Bible Journaling Plan (Creativity with Bible Verses)
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